I want to thank all of you who were kind enough to leave condolence comments and those who took the time to e-mail. I'm overwhelmed by your friendship.
Maybe you would like to see the rest of my critter family.
Frankie came to us as a kitten last year. Some moron left him and his 2 tortie sisters at the bottom of our hill in a taped up box. His sisters went to live with a friend and Frankie grew to be our "monkey boy". He likes to sleep in the bathroom sink and keep watch over everything from the top of my computer chair. That chair is 20 inches wide. He's a big moose who brings me at least one "gift" a day of a mouse or a mole.

Lulu came with our house. The previous owners just left her here 6 years ago. She is the sweetest, most polite girl. She had never been inside before but is now a bed lounger. She has really blossomed since Meggie passed. Megs was a "Queenie Bean" and really quite horrid to her. Lulu is now my lap cat with her squeaky motor purr.

Buddy was adopted from Animal Control in June of last year. He's a Red Heeler who thinks his job is herding cats. The wonder is that they all get along very well.

Frankie asks for lovies from the dog more often than he asks me.

I think maybe that is enough personal stuff; hope you weren't too bored.
You've been sweet, good friends and I do appreciate your caring words.