Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Graceful Envelope

The Graceful Envelope Contest, sponsored by the National Association of Letter Carriers and the Washington Calligraphers Guild, congratulates this year's winning artists

2015 CALL FOR ENTRIES: Calligraphers and artists from around the world are invited to participate in the 21st annual Graceful Envelope Contest, conducted by the Washington (DC) Calligraphers Guild and the National Association of Letter Carriers. The contest is open to all ages, with separate categories for children. There is no entry fee.


  1. Anonymous11:13 AM

    WOW!!!! What inspiration! Thanks so much for this site, meggiecat. Well, thanks for your whole blog, actually. I check it daily and have found so much here.

    Wanda in South Texas

  2. Wanda,
    Thank you. A pat on the back always feels good.

  3. I just love that. Snail mail! So clever. So pretty.


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