Friday, February 15, 2008

Papercraft Alphabet

I'm always a sucker for an alphabet and this dimensional papercraft by Epson is great. The fronts are dimensional and the backs are flat. Projects like this can be big ink eaters so I only ever print one and use it as a template on prettier papers.


  1. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Thanks. Some of those printables are going to be so handy for kids projects.

    Appreciate all the wonderful links you hunt for us.

  2. these are very cool - thank you for posting this and all your other great links!

  3. I used to use that site all the time but.. I never downloaded them all and now ...that part of the sight has crashed!!!
    I really really need to get hold of some of that alphabet, if anyone has it, they wouldn't mind emailing me the download. Please!!!

  4. Anonymous6:47 AM

    they're still alive!!
    I've been searching for ages.

  5. Dear Anonymous,
    Thanks so much for finding the new link! I've updated the links in the post.


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