The Library of Congress has a collection of cowgirl images. I have a hard time coming up with a direct link and have linked to the main search page. Type in "Cowgirl" then click search. These are just two from the collection.
Hello Meggiecat and thankyou!!! We just visited Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburg Pa. yesterday. I was able to find a 1905 picture of Phipps at P&P Online Catalog and post it with the current picture of thier newly constructed entrance. Made my day all the sweeter.....thanks!
I've always thought that I can make anything if I set my mind to it.
This blog is notes to myself and my arty friends of crafty links I like and find useful. I'll also offer printable projects that I make.
If you find something useful, all the better.
Please take the time to thank the creator before you download the wonderful thing these generous people are sharing with you.
Meggiecat says "Snag it while you can for tomorrow it may be gone"
Hello Meggiecat and thankyou!!! We just visited Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburg Pa. yesterday. I was able to find a 1905 picture of Phipps at P&P Online Catalog and post it with the current picture of thier newly constructed entrance. Made my day all the sweeter.....thanks!