Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Screenprinting Tutorial

I adore this tutorial from the Berlin craftblogger LimonVerde. She uses high tech CraftRobo and low tech embroidery hoop to create her prints. Since I'm not an artist, her technique appeals to my cobble together a way to get it done mentality.

I had a difficult time getting all the pictures to load but a right click, Show Picture worked for me.
Don't want to cut an entire stencil? Think in reverse. Punch some shapes from the acetate, spray with adhesive and apply to the screen.

On another note, I have had an interest in the pochoir printing process. Hand coloring using stencils. I always knew I would not be able to cut the color separations by hand but the CraftRobo tool is the perfect tool to get those stencils. Here is a good explanation of the pochoir process.


  1. for linking me, i think the problem that some pictures don't apear is depending on blogspot, sometimes it is overloaded.

  2. sorry but beginning of my first comment is not occured.

    Thank you for linking....


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